Friday, July 10, 2009


First, I learned to make a blog (thing that never I have been before). I don’t use frequently the computer and internet for speak about my life, and don’t have photolog, neither my space, facebook or any computational system like these. This it’s the first time that I do anything like that.

Second, it was an opportunity for put into practice all that I know about this language. Always is important write, to go learning more words and ways for express me in English.

Third, because I made a different activity. It’s more entertaining than learn English on the classroom.

Fourth, it allows tell about our way to see the life, speak about our preferences and put our ideas.

In general, tough I make a good evaluation of the blog experience, but I believe that nobody (companion of course) could increase significantly the knowledge about the correct way to use the language.

In contrast with others ways to evaluate, I think that the experience of blog was very interesting. Probably to teacher this experience is also a new challenge to the moment to make classes. I think that the use of internet is very good form to brig over other language to life of the persons. Nevertheless, the implementation of the new way to teach English, not ever is correct. Many of this alternatives that try to be an effective way to teach, finally end no teaching nothing new.

In conclusion, i think that the blog was a great idea, because help me to develop new way to brig over to English, and it stimulated to use a new tool (internet as a way to learn English), but I think that is not so effective as we could be believe.


I have a son, and I have seen how the Childs go to learn and discover the world. Is very impressive see the facility with them going to construct his life. Also is impressive see how they learn the guidelines of behaviour. The culture and expectative of our society go to determining the ways of understand the world.

In this society, where the capitalism is the king, we can say that all of our conducts are constructed by a dominant ideology. This ideology delimits all of our form to act, and all relations that we are involucrate. Of this way, is obvious that our creativity is determining to make us competent persons with the economical system. Is our work fight for out of this ideology, and make of our Childs people with more conscience and with new ideas for change this bad and unjust world.

Friday, June 19, 2009


The subject I like the most is Rural Anthropology, because pleases me the life on “free air” and the work on terrain. The country people are so friendly, generous and affectionate, for this I want to work to help them for live in best conditions and with more opportunities. The rural world is a space full of resources and traditional practices than can be transformed into development for the country.

This semester I have the subject of rural anthropology and is taught by Jorge Razzeto and Manuel Canales. In the next semester this subject continues with a work on terrain in “Cachapoal valley”. By ethnography I want to learn about the domestic medicine and all ways to make to help to recovering a people.

When I get to learn this knowledge, I want to put it in practice with more people. I like so much help persons, and like to relive the traditions of our ancestors to teach it to the modern and stressing people of the city.

Friday, June 12, 2009


When I speak about my ideal job, is necessary that I speak also about my particular way to understand the life.
My mother is a woman that always is treating to help people, and I think that she deliver me this condition. Since I started to study in university is that I want to do my knowledge for make a big social transformation. The way to do a big transformation is a very difficult task, because I have to work for change the mentality that in actuality the people have.
Well, I believe that I can to work in this ideal job because I fell that I have skills and tools for make it, for make this work I have to keep like a very humble and respectful person, always treating to look to my self, getting love to the people and all thing that exist in our world. I don’t know how a can to manage it, I don’t know how a have to materialize my action for my idea, but I know that in any time I go to see the way for help people.
I believe that every person has a gift (a particular skill) that can be used for help to others, and don’t want to say that an especial person, but I believe that I can cure to the people, and for this way, may be, I could help and materialize my ideas to change this sad society.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I don’t like speak a lot about my future, I prefer that the things flow naturally. Obviously I have ideas that I could like make, but I think that in this life all can be. Never I thought that in my twenty years old I could be father so that one day happened, or never had I thought neither that I would be studying anthropology. Well, but anyhow I want to do thing for my life. For example in five years more I want to be learning and helping people with deferent characteristics from mine. I going to be a father of one boy of eight years old, and him going to be a primary student, I’m sure that he going to be a great child. Also in my future I could like travel for the world, and know a lot about other life styles. My aim is teach to people, to live taking advantage of the things that the life has given they.

Friday, June 5, 2009


I don’t know who took this picture neither I know when it was took. I found in internet page with the name of In this page shows the best photos of the week. This photograph won the world press photo 2005 prize. I like it because, first; shows a woman with his son, second; I like so much the colors that the image has (the woman skin, the hand of the child) and the strong’s colors of around.

I like that the scene, I like the image because reflect a reality, but also i fell badly because i don’t like that the photographers sale this reality like a good. The people that are in this picture is so poor and live in very bad conditions, and I believe that take advantage of this situation to earn money it’s a think so ugly.

If I look the picture like only like an artistic expression, I must to say that is wonderful. The face of the woman, the color of skin, the hand of the child, and the colors around it, make feel many emotions. It’s a very touching image.

Friday, May 29, 2009


The best in my field is Claude Levis Strauss, for me is "the viejo Claudio", he born in 1908, and in actuality is in 100 years old. I knew him in the University, and belive that never i’ll go to see in the flesh. The viejo Claudio is a great men because he studied all of cultures in our continent. The firs investigation that he mades was in Bazil, but in any time before he knews a lot of americans aborigens.

In 1949 he wrote “estructuras elementales de parentesco” that trys of to found the fudamentals elements that are presents in all societys of the world. In this book the viejo Claudio back up her ideas in the Works of Sigmund Freud, principaly Levi – Strauss use the “tabĂș del incesto” concept for explain the relations betwen the familys members. Then he worked in others topics of the culture, as well as, analysis of myths, ways to cook, etc. But alway puting to de base the opposition nature and culture.

In the present Cluade Levi- Strauss is recognized as an icon of the estructuralism theory. I think that is the more important exponent and he continue to writing about this topic.