Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I don’t like speak a lot about my future, I prefer that the things flow naturally. Obviously I have ideas that I could like make, but I think that in this life all can be. Never I thought that in my twenty years old I could be father so that one day happened, or never had I thought neither that I would be studying anthropology. Well, but anyhow I want to do thing for my life. For example in five years more I want to be learning and helping people with deferent characteristics from mine. I going to be a father of one boy of eight years old, and him going to be a primary student, I’m sure that he going to be a great child. Also in my future I could like travel for the world, and know a lot about other life styles. My aim is teach to people, to live taking advantage of the things that the life has given they.

1 comment:

  1. Matías,
    I agree with your aim in life. It’s important for people to be happy to learn to appreciate the things they have now and enjoy them, instead of feeling unhappy because they don’t have some things just now, and also to take advantage or make good use of the tools they have to improve their living conditions.
    You’re a good-natured chap and I’m sure you will succeed in doing positive things for people.

    Her you have some notes and mini exercises to improve your English.

    a) We say: ‘like/love/hate/have/need + something. Ex. I like pizza, We love coke, They need new experiences.
    But we say: ‘like to/ love to/hate to/have to / need to’ + verbs. Ex. I like to run, She loves to chat, Do you have to go now? Why don’t you practice this writing about 3 things you like to do , 3 things you love to do, 3 things you hate to do, 3 things you need to do tomorrow, 3 things you have to do everyday, 3 things you want to do in the future and 3 things you would like to do before you are 30 years old?
    b) The pronouns He, I, She, We, it, You, They are the ones that do (realizan) the action, so they usually go before the verb. Ex. He likes... / I work .../ We know... / They helped ... /She would return.../
    The (object) pronouns me, him, her, us, it, you, them are the ones that receive the action, so they usually go after the verbs and prepositions. Ex. They love me/him/her/us/them; She will talk with me/him/her/us/them tomorrow; He helped me/him/her/us/them; This is for me/him/her/us/them.
    You can practice this just by repeating: Help me/him/her/us/them; Listen to me/him/her/us/them; She needs me/him/her/us/them; He invited me/him/her/us/them, They are looking at me/him/her/us/them.
    I don’t like speak a lot about my future, I prefer that the things flow naturally. Obviously I have ideas that I WOULD like TO DO, but I think that in this life ANYTHING can HAPPEN. I never thought that WHEN I WAS twenty years old/ A 20-YEAR-OLD MAN I could be A father, BUT/HOWEVER/NEVERTHELESS that happened one day, or never had I thought EIther that I would be studying anthropology. Well, but anyhow I want to do thingS for my life. For example in five years more I want to be learning and helping people with dIFferent characteristics from mine. I AM going to be THE father of A boy of eight years old, and HE IS going to be a primary-SCHOOL student, I’m sure that he IS going to be a great child. Also in my future I WOULD like TO travel AROUND the world, and know a lot about other life styles. My aim is TO teach (/) people (/) to live taking advantage of the things that (/) life has given thEM.
