Friday, May 29, 2009


The best in my field is Claude Levis Strauss, for me is "the viejo Claudio", he born in 1908, and in actuality is in 100 years old. I knew him in the University, and belive that never i’ll go to see in the flesh. The viejo Claudio is a great men because he studied all of cultures in our continent. The firs investigation that he mades was in Bazil, but in any time before he knews a lot of americans aborigens.

In 1949 he wrote “estructuras elementales de parentesco” that trys of to found the fudamentals elements that are presents in all societys of the world. In this book the viejo Claudio back up her ideas in the Works of Sigmund Freud, principaly Levi – Strauss use the “tabú del incesto” concept for explain the relations betwen the familys members. Then he worked in others topics of the culture, as well as, analysis of myths, ways to cook, etc. But alway puting to de base the opposition nature and culture.

In the present Cluade Levi- Strauss is recognized as an icon of the estructuralism theory. I think that is the more important exponent and he continue to writing about this topic.


  1. "El viejo Claudio ", is impressive that he is alive even, he has many years!!
    But the most important thing is undoubtedly that he is the estructuralism's father

  2. The old Claudio it's the father of structuralism and it's one of the bigs in our field...he's is an inmortal antrhopologist that could be studie for our friends the archaeologist!!!

  3. Matías,
    It’s amazing that such an old man continues to write about these complex matters.

    Before checking the corrected post, please read my notes and try to do the exercises in them. By the way, it took me a looooooong time to write this, so I hope you study my notes.

    a) Except for imperatives (Ex, Go away / Open the door) you need to provide a subject for a verb, For ex.
    -THEY make your life easier / - To me, IT is useful … / -When I was a kid, I used to go there. / -...because IT reflects ...
    Can you provide a subject for these sentences?: (for me, is "the viejo Claudio) / (and presently is 100 years old) / (and believe) / (that is the most important exponent)

    b) (he born in 1908) : The verb is ‘be born’. Can you compete this sentence?

    c) When we talk aboput HE or SHE or an animal or object, we add an ‘s’ to the verb in the Simple Present (Él trabaja, Ella compra, El tiempo vuela): He works / She buys / Time flies.
    We don’t add an ‘s’ to the verb in the simple past (Él trabajó.../Ella compró / El tiempo voló): He worked / She bought / Time flew.
    Now, can you correct these?: (he mades/ he knews)

    d) (Para hablar de un propósito (Vine para conversar/ Gritó para llamar la atención/Estudio para mejorar mi inglés/etc. USE ‘to’. Ex. I came here to talk to you/ He shouted to call everybody’s attention/ I’m studying to improve my English/etc. You can also use ‘in order to’ and ‘so as to’.
    Can you improve this sentence: He used this concept for explain the ...)
    e) Adjectives never change, so don’t add ‘s’. Ex. A green hat, a green shirt, some green books, many green chairs.
    Correct the following : the fudamentals elements that are presents in all societies (2 mistakes) / a lot of americans aborigens (1 mistake)

    The best in my field is Claude Levis Strauss, for me HE is "the viejo Claudio", he WAS born in 1908, and in AT PRESENT / PRESENTLY / CURRENTLY HE is in 100 years old. I MET him in the University, and I THINK that I’ll never GET TO see HIM in the flesh. (/)“Viejo Claudio” is a great mAN because he studied all of THE cultures in our continent. The firsT investigation that he made(/) was in Bazil, but SOME time before THAT he MET(/) a lot of american(/) aborigens.
    In 1949 he wrote “estructuras elementales de parentesco” that trIED (/) to fInd the fudamental(/) elements that are present(/) in all societIEs IN the world. In this book ‘Viejo Claudio’ backS up hIS ideas in the Works of Sigmund Freud, principalLy. Levi – Strauss useD the INCEST TABOO concept TO explain the relations betwen the familys members. Then he worked ON other(/) topics of (/) culture, TOO: analysis of myths, ways to cook, etc., but alwayS BEARING IN MIND/TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION the opposition nature and culture.
    In the present Cluade Levi- Strauss is recognized as an icon of the structuralism theory. I think that HE is the moST important exponent OF IT and he continuES (/) writing about this topic.
