Friday, July 10, 2009


First, I learned to make a blog (thing that never I have been before). I don’t use frequently the computer and internet for speak about my life, and don’t have photolog, neither my space, facebook or any computational system like these. This it’s the first time that I do anything like that.

Second, it was an opportunity for put into practice all that I know about this language. Always is important write, to go learning more words and ways for express me in English.

Third, because I made a different activity. It’s more entertaining than learn English on the classroom.

Fourth, it allows tell about our way to see the life, speak about our preferences and put our ideas.

In general, tough I make a good evaluation of the blog experience, but I believe that nobody (companion of course) could increase significantly the knowledge about the correct way to use the language.

In contrast with others ways to evaluate, I think that the experience of blog was very interesting. Probably to teacher this experience is also a new challenge to the moment to make classes. I think that the use of internet is very good form to brig over other language to life of the persons. Nevertheless, the implementation of the new way to teach English, not ever is correct. Many of this alternatives that try to be an effective way to teach, finally end no teaching nothing new.

In conclusion, i think that the blog was a great idea, because help me to develop new way to brig over to English, and it stimulated to use a new tool (internet as a way to learn English), but I think that is not so effective as we could be believe.

1 comment:

  1. Matías,
    As you pointed out, there are many reasons to use blogs as an English teaching-learning tool. And maybe it wasn’t so effective with some students, but a good lot of them did make a good deal of progress.
    Here you have a couple of sites that will help you learn more about English:
    To get help with vocabulary:
    To learn expressions:
    To learn vocabulary and see some examples on how the words are used:
    ALL TENSES, Instructions in Spanish:
    Simple present. Questions with be – do – does. Instructions in Spanish:

    First, I learned HOW to make a blog (SOMEthing that I haD never DONE before). I don’t frequently use the computer and internet TO speak about my life, and don’t have photolog, neither my space, facebook or any computational system like these. This IS the first time that I do SOMEthing like that/THIS.
    Second, it was an opportunity TO put into practice all that I know about this language. IT is always important TO write, to go ABOUT learning/ TO LEARN more words and ways TO express mYSELF in English.
    Third, because I made a different activity, it WAS more entertaining than learnING English IN the classroom.
    Fourth, it allows YOU TO tell PEOPLE about/TO WRITE ABOUT our way to see (/) life, speak about our preferences and pRESENT our ideas.
    In general, tough I make a good/POSITIVE evaluation of the blog experience, (/) I believe that nobody (I MEAN MY CLASSMATES) could increase significantly the knowledge about the correct way to use the language.
    In contrast with other(/) ways to evaluate, I think that the experience of blog was very interesting. Probably this experience is also a new challenge to THE teacher(S) AT the moment/WHEN THEY GIVE classes. I think that the use of internet is A very good WAY to briNg over ANother language to THE liVES of the persons. Nevertheless, the implementation/PUTTING INTO PRACTICE of thIS new way to teach English, is not ALWAYS correct. Many of thESE alternatives that try to be an effective way to teach, finally end UP noT teaching ANYthing new.
    In conclusion, i think that the blog was a great idea, because IT helpED me to develop new wayS to briNg English over, and it ENCOURAGED ME to use a new tool (internet as a way to learn English), but I think that IT is not so effective as we MAY believe.
