Friday, April 24, 2009


Well, this is not only a site of anthropology, but may be used in any times. Isn't a very serius site, we can't acces with complete security that the information is actulized or 100% real, but any way, in this site there is a lot of information of the many many topics, and sometimes can help us to understending littles doubts.
A lot of people think that this site is a bad enciclopedy because a lot of things that there are in it, don'nt came of good source. I think that we can`t entrust in wikipedia like information surce if we need make a important investigation or a serius work, but a i belive that is a good site for consult if we need a general information about any thing, and i recomend you for this.

I knew wikipedia becuase all the people visit this site, and is the more big enciclopedy in the internet. Is a very very important site in the web, i visit this city at around one time to the month. well, if you need know any think just have to write

1 comment:

  1. Matías,
    You are a nice and talented boy, so make justice to yourself: roll up your sleeves and get down to work!!! Study the corrections and notes below.

    Well, this is not only a site ABOUT/ON anthropology, but (MISSING SUBJECT) may be used in any times. (MISSING SUBJECT) isn't a very seriOus site, (MISSING CONNECTOR: SO/ THEREFORE/FOR THIS REASON) we can't accesS (MISSING WORD) with complete security that the information is (actulized: USE: UPDATED) or 100% real, but any way, ON this site there is a lot of information (of: WRONG WORD-ON/ABOUT) ( ) many,many topics, and sometimes (MISSING SUBJECT) can help us to understend( ) (littles: ADJECTIVE.SEE NOTE BELLOW) doubts.
    A lot of people think that this site is a bad enciclopedy because a lot of things that there are in it, don't (came: WRONG TENSE) (of: WRONG WORD) good source. I think that we can`t ( )trust in wikipedia AS AN information sOurce if we need (MISSING WORD) make An important investigation or a seriOus work, but (a i) beliEve that (MISSING SUBJECT) is a good site for (consult: USE: CONSULTATION or REFERENCE SITE) if we need (a: DELETE) general information about any thing, and i recomend (MISSING PRONOUN) TO you for this REASON.

    I LEARNT/ knew ABOUT wikipedia becAUse all the people visit this site, and BECAUSE (MISSING SUBJECT) is the (more big: USE BIGGEST) enciclopedy ON the internet. (MISSING SUBJECT) Is a very very important site ON the web, i visit this (city: SITE?) ( )around (one time to the month: CORRECT THIS). Well, if you need (MISSING WORD) know anyTHING just (MISSING SUBJECT) have to (write: VISIT?)
    a) Adjectives never change, so they never add “s”. Ex. A boring film / many boring films
    b) mention who or what you are talking about:
    I’ve had my laptop … = I’ve had it / I use my laptop … = I use it / I miss my mother = I miss her / etc.
    c) Except for imperatives (Ex, Go away / Open the door) you need to provide a subject for a verb, For ex.
    -THEY make your life easier
    - So, IT is useful …
